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An amazing 2022!

Writer's picture: Mark Pearson Mark Pearson

While I had managed academies for some years and PMG (Performance Managed Golf) had been formed some time earlier it was definitely July of 2019 that was the watershed and catalyst to the business that has become PMG Academies.

As Brian Ridley (PMG Head Coach) and I waited patiently for our first customers to visit PMG Romanby Golf Academy little did I realise the journey would accelerate so quickly. What we quickly established at Romanby which proved an instant success was to become the blueprint for all our future academies.

In simple we meed to keep three parties happy.

  1. Our priority will always be to give great golf lessons that actually improve players. We will embrace technology and constantly challenge our coaches to improve.

  2. We need to keep our venues happy and proud of their PMG Academy while constantly showing the value of a vibrant academy not only at each venue but as key stakeholders in the game of golf globally.

  3. We will always endeavour to maintain a happy and motivated group of coaches working from good environments and providing a vehicle to develop their coaching skills.

In the initial stages I guess I was looking for PMG Academies to be a legacy of my coaching beliefs but now our aim has significantly changed. I believe we can heavily influence the UK coaching market in positive way, by raising the standards of coaching, in turn the enjoyment and participation of our golfers and ultimately growing our great game.

Late in 2021 I realised there were going to be many opportunities for the growth of our concept and so 2022 has been a mission of tackling some of the issues of growth but more importantly putting in place some key components for the quality of our products going forwards.

I'm personally delighted that this year we have rolled out the analysis of our coaching via our partners the 59Club through customer surveys and mystery shopping of coaching sessions. Even better our coaches have embraced the feedback, reflected superbly and really upped their game in response.

I'm even prouder of the PMG coach development programme that we have initiated. Massive thanks to my pal and Tour Coach Hugh Marr on this one, we chatted endlessly but I now believe PMG coaches have a phenomenal pathway to coaching mastery and in 2023 will see the first set of PMG Master Coaches coming of the production line.

So how did PMG perform throughout 2022?

93% of our customers said they improved through our golf lessons!

We doubled our number of Academies from 4 to 8!

We gave 25% more lessons than 2021!

Our coaches are more educated.

One of our coaches masterminded his player on to the DP World Tour

One of our coaches featured in a TOP 50 worldwide coach list.

We introduced over 1500 new golfers to the game!

We had lots of fun!

A pretty good return I'd say. So what do we have planned in 2023?

More of the same, yes there will be new venues but more important to me is the continual development of each and every coach and the service they deliver to our golfers.

My new mantra is that PMG Academies will be known as the industry standard in golf coaching, its a big ask but a journey I'

m enjoying being on!

Finally all this doesn't happen without fantastic support from some amazing people.

  • To our coaches I salute your enthusiasm, professionalism and desire.

  • To our venues in constant support of our coaching mission.

  • But most of all a massive thank you to all the golfers that seek our help to improve their golf, you are our lifeblood and the reason we exist!.

In closing I wish you all a fantastic and prosperous 2023 and look forward to seeing you all using your local PMG coaches.


Mark Pearson

Academy Director

CEO PMG Academies



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