Come and play in our Trackman Golf Simulators and experience virtual golf like no other. With over 200 courses to choose from as well as online Tournaments and fun games for kids and corporate events.
Whether your an expert or a beginner, old or young Golfin has something to keep you entertained. You can play on your own or in groups of up to six people per simulator. Hit the button below to book your simulator bay. Once your'e hooked check out our Membership and Top-Up offers to save money.
Trackman Simulator Tariff​
Off Peak - Mon - Fri (8am - 5pm)
£30 for one hour, additional hours £20
Peak - Mon-Fri (5pm-10pm), All day Sat/Sun
£40 for one hour, additional hours £25
​Open Four Balls
£15 for two hours - Peak / Off Peak
Players will maybe joined by other players looking for a social game.
Recommended booking times
18 holes - 1 Hour (1 Player), 2 Hours (2-4 Players), 3 Hours (4-6 Players)

The weather is always perfect, no rain no wind a constant 20° C. No walking or being tired on warm days. Just perfect!

Indoor Golf is much faster, it takes about half the time of a round outdoors, so much easier to juggle the golf / life balance.

Because everyone is together, indoor golf is more social, in addition easier to eat, drink and watch other sport on TV while playing.
Reasons To Play Indoors At GOLFiN
Membership & Top-Ups
Play Member 1 x 1 Simulator Hour per month - £20
Par Member 1x 1 Hour Individual Coaching Session per month - £55
Birdie Member 2x 1 Hour Individual Coaching Sessions per month - £100
Eagle Member 3x 1 Hour Individual Coaching Sessions per month - £135
All Golfin Members are then able to purchase at the special top up rate.
£200 for 20% Pay £200 and receive £240 of simulator credit.
£330 for 33% 1Pay £330 and receive £440 of simulator credit

Suite 10, Tilcon House, Low Moor Lane, Lingerfield, Knaresborough, N Yorks HG59JN